Antique Stoneware Crock

New brighton pa Stoneware Crock

New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock

New brighton pa Stoneware Crock   New brighton pa Stoneware Crock
This antique stoneware crock from New Brighton, PA is a true treasure for collectors of primitive pottery. The material used is high-quality stoneware, which has stood the test of time and remains in excellent condition. Beautiful, bold cobalt design with large "2" and NB in beesting flourish. ES&B The crock's design is a testament to the skill and artistry of its maker, with intricate details and a timeless appeal. It is perfect for display in any antique or primitive collection, and its history and provenance make it a valuable addition to any home. Don't miss the chance to own this stunning piece of American pottery history.
New brighton pa Stoneware Crock   New brighton pa Stoneware Crock